Monday, November 21, 2016

Romantic Love

Lexie Trzcinski

A couple weeks ago I attended an event on Journalism, Michael A. Memoil came and asked people questions relating mostly to politics. I felt really intrigued by this event because prior to this year I had always wanted to major in communications and eventually work for a television show like NBC, where he had worked for for 8 years. Although I have changed my interest I still found this event to be extremely fascinating. Especially because we had just gone through the presidential election a couple weeks ago. Michael had an immense amount of experience through all sorts of social media such as LA Times, Today and NBC. Being able to hear someone else’s own experience helps people have a better understanding of the different things you can for jobs or internships.

The first half of the “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare it immediately depicts the dramatic, romantic love in a sequence of events. Although the play begins by talking about the brother of Viola seems to be dead and she is still mourning this loss, it begins the romantic love of each of the characters as well. I thought the first half of the play was slightly confusing because of all the different characters and their lovers that you had to follow. While the Duke of Orsino is trying to express his love for Olivia, Viola is in deep mourning of her brother Sebastian who is believed to have died on a shipwreck. I find the each of the character’s intentions to be slightly deceitful throughout the first half of the play. They seem as if they are all out to get each other. For example, when Viola wishes to be one of Olivia’s servants so that she can spy on her and see what the Duke of Orsino is going to try to do to win her love over. Another example is when they write to Olivia’s servant Mavolio pretending to be Olivia. Except they tell him to do all the things that Olivia does not like especially at this time of mourning. Overall, I find this first of of the play to be very dramatic.

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