Jenna Dertouzos
Dr. Ellis
Understanding Literature
October 3, 2016
The Silent Trend of Technology
I have always been known as the girl to notice and communicate about anything and everything; you get a haircut: I have already complimented you on the shape and style, my mom does her makeup differently: I would ask her why and how, the bus driver is wearing a new winter coat: I asked where they got it. It’s who I am and how I’ve always been. When I was a toddler, my parents used to laugh when I would wave at strangers, and they told me that in public places, I always made friends with people far and near. As I have embarked on a new journey here at Loyola University Maryland, I’ve been more myself than ever. As I walk the very beautiful campus, I see beautiful people of all shapes, sizes and colors and I could not be more in tune with my fellow classmates, here at Loyola. I have noticed throughout this iExamen that it isn’t hard to make sure to pay attention to what is going on around you. I have watched couples eating lunch together, teachers bonding over intellectual contexts, and athletes discussing their standings. Each person lives within their very own niche, with the same interests bonding them together.
The very first action I make when I open my eyes each and every morning is immediately grabbing my phone, and turning off the alarm clock application. From then on, I clock into a world of technological advances that entertain me, allow to me gain more knowledge, and communicate with anyone I want or need to. Going to class, hanging out with friends, doing my homework and texting all of my friends and family back home are some activities in my daily routine, and they all include the positivity of electronics. When I took the hour to detox completely from technological communications, I noticed positives and negatives. When I was walking to my 10:50am class, I noticed how most kids, had their noses in their phones, texting, FaceTiming or even Snapchatting with friends and family. They were so in tune with the people that weren’t around them, rather than actually taking in the atmosphere of Loyola, and the students who were actually around them. After realizing that, it dawned on me that if I had my phone, I would be doing the exact same thing. I felt as though I was completely out of the loop, not connected with people via my cell phone. As I reconnected with my social lifestyle of texting, FaceTiming and Snapchatting--along with the other students of Loyola-- I felt more more in control, and less lost, in a campus full of students doing the same thing as me.
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